64 Zoo Lane is an American TV cartoon show created by An Vrombaut. The series follows of a 7 year old human girl named Lucy. Lucy has a giraffe named Georgina, a bear named Boris, a 2 monkeys named Giggles and Tickles, a hippo named Molly and an elephant named Nelson. It aired on Fox Family (During It's Itsy Bitsy Time!) and Noggin in the United States for the first and the second seasons in 1999 and 2000.
- Lucy the 7 Year Old Human Girl lives next door to the zoo far from the house where every night, Georgina the Giraffe, Boris the Bear, Giggles and Tickles the Monkeys, Molly the Hippo and Nelson the Elephant the zoo animals tell her a bedtime story to help her fall asleep.
- Ciara Janson with an American accent as Lucy the 7 Year Old Human Girl
- Dian Perry as Lucy's Mom (Unseen/Voice only), Tickles the Monkey, Nathalie the Antelope and Audrey the Ostrich
- Megg Nicol as Georgina the Giraffe, Giggles the Monkey and Julie the Mother Kangaroo
- Lewis MacLeod as Boris the Bear, Ribbit the Frog, Jimmy the Little Kangaroo, Mr. Platypus, Zed the Zebra, Harry the Hyena, The Tic Tic Bird, Leopoldo the Llama, William the Weaver Bird, Gary the Little Dromedary Calf, Eddie the Little Hippo Calf, Lewis the Puffin, Casper the Chameleon and Cousin Chuckles the Monkey
- Anna Bentinck as Molly the Hippo (Episodes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 51 only), Henrietta the Hairy Hippo, Phoebe the Koala, Beverly the Beaver, Mirabelle the Flamingo, "Cleopatra" Patsy the Porcupine, Jamie the Littlest Puffin, Rosie the Rhino, Holly the Hyena Pup and Annie the Anaconda
- Keith Wickham as Nelson the Elephant, Reginald the Lion, Victor the Crocodile, Joey the Little Kangaroo, Sidney the Seal, Dennis the Dromedary, Herbert the Warthog, Ronald the Rhino, Adam the Armadillo, Alan the Aardvark, Seamus the Stork, King Snake, Wally the Wombat, Thomas the Puffin, Johnnie the Hyena Pup and Granddad Chameleon
- Dan Russell as Kevin the Crocodile, Snowbert the Polar Bear, Jazz the Jaguar and Randolph the Raccoon
- Bob Saker as Toby the Tortoise, Elvis the Father Kangaroo, The Snip Snip Bird, Dudley the Sloth, Doctor Gordon Gorilla, Hercule Mustache the Walrus, Taco the Toucan and Itchy Quatzel the Mysterious Mountain
- Adrienne Posta as Doris the Duck, Molly the Hippo (Episode 3 only), Janet and Janice the Mother Kangaroos, Pauline the Pelican, Isabel the Flamingo, Melanie the Moose, Esmeralda the Snake, Annabelle the Flamingo, Sharon the Puffin, Edna the Hyena and Petula the Parrot
- The American show aired on Fox Family (During It's Itsy Bitsy Time!) and Noggin in the United States for the first and the second seasons in 1999 and 2000. Because of the copyright from The Itsy Bitsy Entertainment Company.