Camp Lazlo (stylized as CAMP LAZLO!) is an American animated television series created by Joe Murray for Cartoon Network. It follows Lazlo, an anthropomorphic spider monkey who attends Camp Kidney, a Boy Scout-like summer camp in Pimpleback Mountains. Lazlo resides in the "Jelly Bean" cabin with his fellow Bean Scouts Raj, an Indian elephant, and Clam, a pygmy rhinoceros. Lazlo is often at odds with his pessimistic camp leader Scoutmaster Lumpus, the second-in-command Slinkman, and other campers. Camp Kidney sits just across the lake from Acorn Flats, which is home to the campsite of the all-female Acorn Scouts. It was one of the first Cartoon Network Studios series produced in a widescreen aspect ratio of 16:9, despite originally being broadcast in the full screen aspect ratio of 4:3.