Danny Phantom is an American superhero animated television series created by Butch Hartman for Nickelodeon. It was produced by Billionfold Studios and distributed in Canada by Nelvana, a Canadian animation company. The series follows a teenage boy who, after an accident with an unpredictable portal between the human world and the "Ghost Zone", becomes a human-ghost hybrid and takes on the task of saving his town (and the world) from subsequent ghost attacks using an evolving variety of supernatural powers. He is aided in his quest by his two best friends, and later, his older sister, who for most of the series' run are among the only people who know of his double life.
David Kaufman as Danny
Grey DeLisle as Sam, Femalien, Medusa, Nightmerica, Terminatra, Valerie, Princess Dorathea, Star
Rickey D'Shon Collins as Tucker
Colleen O'Shaughnessey as Jazz, Vid, Valerie
Rob Paulsen as Jack, Box Ghost, Technus, Download
Kath Soucie as Maddie, Lunch Lady Ghost
Danny Mann as Amorpho
Jim Ward as Bertrand, Operative L
Daran Norris as Bullet
Eric Roberts as Dark Danny
Peri Gilpin as Desiree
Tara Strong as Ember, Lydia, Penelope, Star, Tiffany
Robbyn Kirmssé as Singing Ember
Michael Dorn as Fright Knight
Will Arnett as Ghost Writer
S. Scott Bullock as Hotep-Ra, Operative O, Dairy King, Cujo, Klemper, Dash, Jeremy
William Baldwin as Johnny 13
Chynna Phillips as Kitty
Patricia Heaton as Lunch Lady Ghost
James Garrett as Nocturn
Brian Cox as Pariah
Dee Bradley Baker as Prince Aragon, Operative K, Thrash, Wulf, Observant, Mikey, Nathan, Lance
Peter MacNicol as Sidney
Mathew St. Patrick as Skulker
Kevin Michael Richardson as Skulker, Operative M, Dragon Princess Dorathea