Typeface name |
Example 1 |
Example 2 |
Example 3
Agency FB Designer: Caleigh Huber & Morris Fuller Benton Class: Geometric
File:Agency FB Font Sample.png
Akzidenz-Grotesk Designer: Günter Gerhard Lange Class: Grotesque
File:Akzidenz-Grotesk font.svg |
File:Akzidenz-Grotesk sample.svg |
Amplitude Designer: Christian Schwartz Class: Humanist
Andalé Sans Designer: Steve Matteson Class: Humanist
Antique Olive Designer: Roger Excoffon Class: Humanist
Arial Designer: Robin Nicholas & Patrica Saunders Class: Realist
File:Arial font.svg |
File:Arial sample.svg |
Arial Rounded
File:Arial Rounded MT (bold).png |
Austria Class: Geometric
ITC Avant Garde Gothic Designer: Herb Lubalin, Tom Carnase Class: Geometric
File:ITC Avant Garde Gothic Nameplatesvg.svg |
File:ITC Avant Garde Pangram.svg |
File:ITC Avant Garde Gothic Sample.svg
Avenir Designer: Adrian Frutiger Class: Geometric
File:Avenir Nameplate.svg |
File:Avenir Pangram.svg |
Bahnschrift Designer: Microsoft Class: Geometric
File:Bahnschrift nameplate.svg |
File:Bahnschrift pangram.svg |
Bank Gothic Designer: Morris Fuller Benton Class: Geometric
File:Bank Gothic Nameplate.svg |
File:Bank Gothic Pangram.svg |
Bell Centennial Designer: Matthew Carter Class: Humanist
File:Bell Centennial font.svg |
File:Bell Centennial sample.svg |
Bell Gothic Designer: Chauncey H. Griffith Class: Realist
File:Bell Gothic font.svg |
File:Bell Gothic sample.svg |
Benguiat Gothic Designer: Ed Benguiat Class: Humanist
File:Benguiat Gothic Typeface.svg |
File:Benguiat Gothic Sample.svg |
File:Benguiat Gothic Specimen.svg
Breeze Sans Designer: Dalton Maag, Fontrix Class: Humanist
Calibri Designer: Lucas de Groot Class: Humanist
File:Calibri font.svg |
File:Calibri sample.svg |
Candara Designer: Gary Munch Class: Humanist
File:Candara font.svg |
File:Candara Sample.svg
Cantarell Designer: Dave Crossland Class: Humanist
File:Cantarell Nameplate.svg |
File:Cantarell Pangram.svg |
Century Gothic Designer: Morris Fuller Benton Class: Geometric
File:Century Gothic font.svg |
File:Century Gothic sample.svg |
Charcoal (Mac OS 9 system font) Designer: David Berlow
File:Charcoal Nameplate.svg |
File:Charcoal Pangram.svg |
Chicago (pre-Mac OS 9 system font, still included with Mac OS X) Designer: Susan Kare
File:Chicago font.svg |
File:Chicago sample.svg |
File:Chicago typeface spec.svg
Adobe Clean - Adobe's now standard GUI and icon font Class: Humanist, Spurless
File:Adobe Clean typeface name.svg |
File:Adobe Clean Example.svg
Clear Sans (Intel) Designer: Dan Rhatigan, George Ryan, Robin Nicholas
File:Clear Sans nameplate.svg |
File:Clear Sans pangram.svg |
Clearview Designer: James Montalbano et al. Class: Humanist
Comic Neue Designer: Craig Rozynski, Hrant Papazian
File:Comic Neue nameplate.svg |
File:Comic Neue pangram.svg |
Comic Sans Designer: Vincent Connare
Consolas Designer: Luc(as) de Groot Class: Humanist
Corbel Designer: Jeremy Tankard
File:Corbel Typeface.svg |
File:Corbel sample.svg |
FF Dax Designer: Hans Reichel Class: Humanist, Spurless
File:Dax sample.png |
File:Daxx Sample.svg
DejaVu Sans Class: Humanist
File:DejaVu Sans font.svg |
File:DejaVu Sans sample.svg |
DIN 1451 Designer: Deutsches Institut für Normung Class: Realist, Geometric
File:DIN 1451 Nameplate.svg |
File:DIN 1451 Pangram.svg |
Drogowskaz Designer: Marek Sigmund Class: Geometric
File:Drogowskaz nameplate.svg |
File:Drogowskaz pangram sample.svg |
Droid Sans Designer: Steve Matteson Class: Humanist
File:Droid Sans Typeface.svg |
File:Font-Sample-Droid-Sans plainsvg 2.svg |
Dubai Designer: Nadine Chahine (chief designer) Class: Humanist, Semi-spurless
File:Dubai nameplate.svg |
File:Dubai pangram.svg |
Eras Designer: Albert Boton, Albert Hollenstein Class: Humanist
File:Eras font.svg |
File:Eras sample.svg |
Eurostile Designer: Aldo Novarese, Akira Kobayashi Class: Geometric
File:Eurostile Typeface.svg |
File:Eurostile Sample.svg |
Fira Sans Designer: Erik Spiekermann, Ralph du Carrois Class: Humanist
File:Fira Sans nameplate.svg |
File:Fira Sans pangram.svg |
Folio Designer: Konrad Bauer & Walter Baum Class: Neo-grotesque
Franklin Gothic Designer: Morris Fuller Benton Class: Grotesque
File:Franklin Gothic Typeface.svg |
File:FranklinGothic.svg |
Frutiger Designer: Adrian Frutiger Class: Humanist
File:Frutiger font.svg |
File:Frutiger sample.svg |
Futura Designer: Paul Renner Class: Geometric
File:Futura Typeface.svg |
File:Futura.svg |
Geneva Designer: Susan Kare Class: Realist
File:Geneva font.svg |
File:Geneva sample.svg |
Gill Sans Designer: Eric Gill Class: Humanist
File:Gill Sans font.svg |
File:Gill Sans sample.svg |
Gotham Designer: Tobias Frere-Jones Class: Geometric
Haettenschweiler Designer: Walter Haettenschweiler Class: Realist
File:Haettenschweiler font.svg |
File:Haettenschweiler sample.svg |
Handel Gothic Designer: Don Handel, Ronald Trogram Class: Geometric, Spurless
File:Handel Gothic Typeface.svg |
File:Handel Gothic Pangram.svg |
Helvetica Designer: Max Miedinger, Eduard Hoffman Class: Neo-grotesque
File:Helvetica font.svg |
File:Helvetica sample.svg |
Highway Gothic Designer: Ted Forbes Class: Neo-grotesque
File:Highway Gothic Sample.svg
IBM Plex Sans Designer: Mike Abbink Class: Grotesque
File:IBM Plex Sans nameplate.svg |
File:IBM Plex Sans pangram.svg |
Impact Designer: Geoffrey Lee
File:Impact font.svg |
File:Impact sample.svg |
Interstate Designer: Tobias Frere-Jones Class: Mixed
GE Inspira Designer: Mike Abbink Class: Geometric
File:Inspira Nameplate.svg |
File:GE Inspira.svg |
File:Inspira Sample.svg
Johnston Designer: Edward Johnston, Eric Gill Class: Humanist
File:Johnston Typeface.svg |
File:Johnston Font Sample.svg |
File:ITC Johnston typeface specimen.svg
Kabel Designer: Rudolf Koch Class: Geometric
File:Kabel font.svg |
File:Kabel sample.svg |
File:Kabel new specimen.png
Klavika Designer: Eric Olson Class: Humanist, Geometric
Lato Designer: Łukasz Dziedzic Class: Humanist
File:Lato Nameplate Sample.svg |
File:Lato pangram.svg |
Liberation Sans Designer: Steve Matteson Class: Realist
File:Liberation Sans.svg |
File:Font Sample - Liberation Sans.svg |
Lucida Grande (former Mac OS X system font, used from Mac OS X 10.0 to Mac OS X 10.9) Designer: Charles Bigelow, Kris Holmes Class: Humanist
File:Lucida Grande nameplate.svg |
Lucida Sans Designer: Charles Bigelow, Kris Holmes Class: Humanist
File:Lucida Sans font.svg |
File:Lucida Sans sample.svg |
FS Me Designer: Jason Smith Class: Humanist
File:Sample FS Me typeface.tif
FF Meta Designer: Erik Spiekermann Class: Humanist
File:FF Meta Nameplate.svg |
File:FF Meta Pangram.svg |
Microsoft Sans Serif Designer: Microsoft Class: Neo-grotesque
File:Microsoft Sans Serif Font.svg |
File:Microsoft Sans Serif sample.svg |
Myriad Designer: Robert Slimbach, Carol Twombly Class: Humanist
File:Myriad font.svg |
File:Myriad sample.svg |
National Trust Designer: Paul Barnes Class: Humanist
News Gothic Designer: Morris Fuller Benton Class: Grotesque
File:News Gothic Typeface.svg |
File:News Gothic sample.svg |
Neuzeit S Designer: Arthur Ritzel Class: Geometric, Realist
Nokia Pure Designer: Dalton Maag, Vincent Connare Class: Neo-grotesque
Open Sans Designer: Steve Matteson Class: Humanist
File:Open Sans Nameplate.svg |
File:Open Sans Pangram.svg |
Optima Designer: Hermann Zapf Class: Humanist
File:Optima font.svg |
File:Optima sample.svg |
Overpass Designer: Delve Witherington Class: Mixed
File:Overpass nameplate.svg |
File:Overpass pangram sample.svg |
Rail Alphabet Designer: Margaret Calvert, Jock Kinneir Class: Neo-grotesque
Roboto Designer: Christian Robertson Class: Neo-grotesque
File:Roboto Nameplate.svg |
File:Roboto Pangram.svg |
File:Roboto Font Sample.svg
San Francisco Class: Neo-grotesque
File:San Francisco nameplate.svg |
File:San Francisco pangram.svg |
FF Scala Sans Designer: Martin Majoor Class: Humanist
Segoe UI Designer: Steve Matteson Class: Humanist
File:Segoe UI font.svg |
Selawik Designer: Microsoft Class: Humanist
File:Selawik nameplate.svg |
File:Selawik pangram.svg |
File:Selawik SP.svg
Semplicità Designer: Nebiolo Class: Geometric, spurless
File:Semplicità typeface sample.png
Seravek Designer: Eric Olson Class: Humanist
File:Seravek sample.png
Skia Designer: Matthew Carter Class: Humanist, Spurless
File:Skia Typeface.svg |
File:Skia Pangramsvg.svg |
OnePlus Slate Designer: Rod McDonald (typographer) Class: Humanist
File:OnePlus Slate nameplate.svg |
File:Slate pangram.svg |
File:OnePlus Slate sample.svg
Source Sans Pro Designer: Paul D. Hunt Class: Realist
File:Source Sans Pro - Typeface name sample.svg |
File:Source Sans Pro Pangram.svg |
Sweden Sans Class: Geometric
File:Sweden Sans nameplate.svg |
File:Sweden Sans pangram.svg |
File:Sample Sweden Sans typeface.tif
Syntax Designer: Hans Eduard Meier Class: Humanist
File:Syntax example.png |
Tahoma Designer: Matthew Carter Class: Humanist
File:Tahoma font.svg |
File:Tahoma sample.svg |
Thesis Sans Designer: Lucas de Groot Class: Humanist
Tiresias Designer: RNIB Class: Humanist
File:Tiresias Nameplate.svg |
File:Tiresias Pangram.svg |
File:Tiresias sample.png
Trade Gothic Designer: Jackson Burke Class: Grotesque
File:Trade Gothic Nameplate.svg |
File:Trade Gothic Pangram.svg |
Transport Designer: Jock Kinneir, Margaret Calvert Class: Mixed
File:Transport Sample.svg
Tratex Designer: Karl-Gustav Gustafson Class: Geometric
File:Tratex Svart.svg |
Trebuchet MS Designer: Vincent Connare Class: Humanist
File:Trebuchet MS font.svg |
File:Trebuchet MS sample.svg |
Ubuntu Designer: Dalton Maag Class: Humanist, Spurless
File:Ubuntu name.svg |
File:Ubuntu sample.svg |
Unica Designer: Team ’77 (André Gürtler, Christian Mengelt and Erich Gschwind) Class: Neo-grotesque
Univers Designer: Adrian Frutiger Class: Neo-grotesque
File:Univers Typeface.svg |
File:Univers sample.svg |
File:Univers sample 2015.png
VAG Rounded Designer: Gerry Barney et al. Class: Geometric
File:VAG Rounded Nameplate.svg |
File:VAG Rounded Pangram.svg |
Vera Sans Designer: Jim Lyles Class: Humanist
File:Vera Sans Typeface.svg |
File:Bitstream Vera Sans.svg |
Verdana Designer: Matthew Carter Class: Humanist
File:Verdana font.svg |
File:Verdana sample.svg |