Typeface name |
Example 1 |
Example 2 |
Example 3
Adobe Jenson Designer: Robert Slimbach Class: Old style
File:Adobe Jenson Pro.svg |
File:Adobe Jenson sample.PNG |
Albertus Designer: Berthold Wolpe Class: Glyphic
File:Albertus font.svg |
Aldus Designer: Hermann Zapf Class: Old style
File:Aldus font.svg |
File:Aldus sample.svg |
Alexandria Designer: Hank Gillette Class: Slab serif Sub-class: Geometric
File:Alexandria font.svg |
File:Alexandria sample.svg |
File:Alexandria spec.svg
American Typewriter Designer: Joel Kaden & Tony Stan Class: Old style
File:American Typewriter.svg |
File:American Typewriter sample.JPG |
Archer Designer: Tobias Frere-Jones & Jonathan Hoefler Class: Slab-serif
Arno Designer: Robert Slimbach Class: Old style
File:Arno.svg |
File:Arno sample.PNG |
Aster Designer: Francesco Simoncini Class: Modern
File:Aster.svg |
File:Aster sample.PNG |
File:Aster spec.PNG
Athelas Designer: Veronika Burian, Jose Scaglione
Baskerville Designer: John Baskerville Class: Transitional
File:Baskerville Old Face.svg |
File:Baskerville sample.png |
Bauer Bodoni Designer: Heinrich Jost Class: Modern
File:Bbodoni1.svg |
File:Bauer Bodoni sample.png |
File:Bauer Bodoni spec.PNG
Bell Designer: Richard Austin Class: Modern
File:Bell MT.svg |
File:Bell sample.png |
Bembo Designer: Stanley Morison Class: Old style
File:Bembo font.svg |
File:Bembo sample.svg |
Benguiat Designer: Ed Benguiat Class: Decorative
File:Benguiat.svg |
File:ITC Benguiat sample.PNG |
Bernhard Modern Designer: Lucian Bernhard Class: Old style
File:Bernhard Modern.svg |
File:Bernhard Modern sample.svg |
Bodoni Designer: Giambattista Bodoni Class: Modern
File:Bodoni font.svg |
File:Bodoni sample.svg |
Bookman Designer: Alexander Phemister Class: Old style
File:Bookman font.svg |
File:Bookman sample.svg |
Bookerly Class: Other
File:Bookerly nameplate sample.svg |
File:Bookerly pangram.svg |
File:Bookerly typeface sample.svg
Bulmer Designer: William Martin Class: Transitional
File:Bulmer.svg |
Caledonia Designer: William Addison Dwiggins Class: Transitional
File:New Caledonia.svg |
Calisto Designer: Ron Carpenter Class: Old style
File:Calisto MT.svg |
File:Calisto sample.svg |
Cambria Designer: Jelle Bosma Class: Other
File:Cambria font.svg |
File:Cambria sample.svg |
File:Cambria fontsample.svg
Caslon Designer: William Caslon Class: Old style
File:Caslon font.svg |
File:Caslon sample.svg |
Centaur Designer: Bruce Rogers Class: Old style
File:Centaur.svg |
File:Pangram en Centaur.png |
Century Schoolbook Designer: Morris Fuller Benton Class: Modern
File:Century Schoolbook.svg |
File:Century Schoolbook sample.svg |
Chaparral Designer: Carol Twombly Class: Slab serif Sub-class: Humanist
File:Chaparral.svg |
File:Chaparral sample.PNG |
File:Chaparral spec.PNG
Bitstream Charter Designer: Matthew Carter Class: Transitional, Slab-serif
File:Bitstream Charter font.svg |
File:Charter pangram sample.svg |
Cheltenham Designer: Bertram Goodhue & Ingalls Kimball Class: Old style
File:Cheltenham.svg |
File:Cheltenham sample.svg |
City Designer: Georg Trump Class: Slab-serif
Clarendon Designer: Robert Besley Class: Slab serif
File:Clarendon font.svg |
File:Clarendon sample.svg |
Cochin Designer: Georges Peignot, Matthew Carter Class: Transitional
Computer Modern Designer: Donald Knuth Class: Modern
File:Computer Modern.svg |
Constantia Designer: John Hudson Class: Other
File:Constantia font.svg |
File:Constantia sample.svg |
Constructium Designer: Rebecca Bettencourt Class: Other
File:Constructium typeface.png |
File:Constructium sample.png |
File:Constructium font.png
Copperplate Gothic Designer: Frederic Goudy Class: Wedge serif
File:Copperplate Gothic font sample.png |
File:Copperplate Gothic sample.svg |
DejaVu Serif Class: Other
File:DejaVu Serif font.svg |
File:DejaVu Serif sample.svg |
Didot Class: Modern
File:Didot.svg |
Droid Class: Other
File:Droid Serif.svg |
File:Font-Sample-Droid-Serif plain.svg |
Emerson Designer: Joseph Blumenthal Class: Old style
File:Emersontext.jpg |
FF Scala Designer: Martin Majoor Class: Old style
File:FF Scala.svg |
Footlight Designer: Ong Chong Wah
Friz Quadrata Designer: Ernst Friz & Victor Caruso Class: Decorative
File:Friz Quadrata.svg |
ITC Galliard Designer: Matthew Carter Class: Old style
File:ITC Galliard typeface.svg |
Garamond Designer: Claude Garamond & Jean Jannon Class: Old style
File:Garamond font.svg |
File:Garamond sample.svg |
Gentium Designer: Victor Gaultney Class: Other
File:Gentium font.svg |
File:Gentium sample.png |
Georgia Designer: Matthew Carter Class: Transitional
File:Georgia font.svg |
File:Georgia sample.svg |
Goudy Old Style Designer: Frederic Goudy Class: Old style
File:Goudy Old Style.svg |
File:Goudy sample.png |
Granjon Designer: George Wallace Jones Class: Old style
File:Granjon.svg |
Hoefler Text Designer: Jonathan Hoefler Class: Old style
File:Hoeflertext.svg |
File:Hoefler-Text.svg |
Iowan Old Style Designer: John Downer Class: Old style
File:Iowan Old Style Nameplate.svg |
Janson Designer: Chauncey H. Griffith Class: Old style
File:Janson font.svg |
File:Janson sample.svg |
Joanna Designer: Eric Gill Class: Transitional
File:Joanna MT.svg |
File:Pangram en Joanna.png |
Junicode Designer: Peter S. Baker Class: Old style
File:Junicode name.svg |
File:Junicode sample.svg |
Korinna Designer: Ed Benguiat & Vic Caruso Class: Decorative
File:Korinna.svg |
Liberation Serif Designer: Steve Matteson Class: Other
File:Liberation Serif.svg |
File:Font Sample - Liberation Serif.svg |
Linux Libertine Designer: Philipp H. Poll Class: Transitional
File:Libertine font.svg |
File:Libertine sample.svg |
Literata Designer: Google & TypeTogether Class: Scotch, Old style
File:Literata nameplate.svg |
File:Literata pangram sample.svg |
File:Literata typeface sample.svg
Literaturnaya Designer: Anatolii Shchukin Class: Transitional
File:Literaturnaya.svg |
File:CharSetLiteraturn.svg |
Lucida Bright Designer: Charles Bigelow & Kris Holmes Class: Other
File:Lucida Bright font.svg |
File:Lucida Bright sample.svg |
File:Lucida Bright.svg
Minion Designer: Robert Slimbach Class: Old style
File:Minion (typeface name).png |
File:Minion Pro.png |
Mrs Eaves Designer: Zuzana Licko Class: Transitional
File:Small caps vs petite caps.svg |
MS Serif
File:MS Serif font.png |
File:MS Serif Specimen.png
New York Designer: Susan Kare, Charles Bigelow, and Kris Holmes Class: Transitional
Nilland Designer: Manfred Klein Class: Slab serif
Palatino Designer: Hermann Zapf Class: Old style
File:Palatino font.svg |
File:Palatino sample.svg |
Perpetua Designer: Eric Gill Class: Transitional
File:Perpetua font.svg |
File:Comparison of printed and digital versions of Perpetua.png |
Plantin Designer: Christophe Plantin Class: Old style
IBM Plex Serif Designer: Mike Abbink Class: Transitional, Scotch
File:IBM Plex Serif sample.svg
Rawlinson Roadway Designer: James Montalbano Class: Old style
File:Font rawlinson.gif |
Requiem Designer: Jonathan Hoefler Class: Old style
Roboto Slab Designer: Christian Robertson Class: Slab-serif
File:Roboto Slab.tiff
Rockwell Class: Slab serif
File:Rockwell.svg |
File:Rockwell sample.svg |
Rotis Designer: Otl Aicher Class: Other
File:Rotis Serif.png |
File:Mostra-rotis serif.svg
Sabon Designer: Jan Tschichold Class: Old style
File:Sabon (typeface name).png |
File:Sabon 2.png |
Serifa Designer: Adrian Frutiger Class: Slab-serif
Source Serif Pro Designer: Frank Grießhammer Class: Transitional
File:Source Serif Pro - Typeface name sample.svg |
File:Source Serif pangram sample.svg |
Souvenir Designer: Morris Fuller Benton
File:ITC Souvenir.png |
Theano Didot Designer: Alexey Kryukov Class: Modern
Times New Roman Designer: Stanley Morison Class: Transitional
File:Times New Roman font.svg |
File:Times New Roman sample.svg |
Trajan Designer: Carol Twombly Class: Old Style
Trinité Designer: Georg Trump Class: Humanist serif
File:Trinité (typeface name).png |
Trump Mediaeval Designer: Bram de Does Class: Old Style
Utopia Designer: Robert Slimbach Class: Didone
File:Utopia Specimen.png
Windsor Designer: Eleisha Pechey Class: Old style
Zilla Slab Class: Slab-serif