My Gym Partner's a Monkey is an American animated television series that was created by Tim Cahill and Julie McNally Cahill and produced by Cartoon Network Studios. The series was aired on Cartoon Network from December 26, 2005 to November 27, 2008. The series follows Adam Lyon, a human who, after a clerical error listed his surname as "Lion," is forced to transfer to Charles Darwin Middle School, a school for local anthropomorphic zoo animals, where he is partnered with Jake Spidermonkey in gym, and quickly becomes best friends with him. Two DVD volumes have been released in 2007 and 2008 in Australia.
Danske Stemmer[]
- Zacharias Grassme – Adam
- Troells Walther Toya – Jakob
- Julie Lund – Lulu
- Pernille Lyck – Ingrid Giraf, Karen, Additional Voice
Additional Voices (Denmark Dub)[]
- Andreas Jessen
- Ann Hjort
- Caspar Phillipson
- Morten Lützhøft
- Tom Jensen