Robotboy is an animated children's television series which is produced by French production company Alphanim for France 3 and Cartoon Network Europe, as well as the studios LuxAnimation and Cofinova 1. It was created and designed by Jan Van Rijsselberge and was directed in Alphanim's studio in Paris by Charlie Bean, who worked on other programs such as Dexter's Laboratory, The Powerpuff Girls, and Samurai Jack. The series first aired in the United Kingdom on 1 November 2005 on Cartoon Network. It premiered in the United States on 28 December 2005 as part of a "sneak peek" preview week for the network's new Saturday morning cartoon lineup that debuted on 14 January 2006. Reruns of the show are still airing in United Kingdom, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, as well in some Latin American countries like Venezuela and Colombia, but is no longer shown in Eastern Europe, the United States or Asian territories.
Danske Stemmer[]
Robotboy – Pauline Rehné
Tommy Turnbull – Zacharias Grassme
Gus Turner – Sonny Lahey
Lola Mbola – Annevig Schelde Ebbe
Robotgirl – Annevig Schelde Ebbe
Kurt – Christian Damsgaard / Peter Secher Schmidt
Kamikaze – Lars Thiesgaard
Constantine – Laus Høybye
Bjorn Björnson – Christian Damsgaard / Peter Secher Schmidt