As of version 12.1, the following Unicode blocks encode symbols:
- Alphanumeric variants (based on Latin characters in Unicode)
- Currency Symbols (U+20A0–U+20CF)
- General Punctuation (U+2000–U+206F)
- Letterlike Symbols (U+2100–U+214F)
- Number Forms (U+2150–U+218F)
- Phonetic symbols (including IPA) (various blocks)
- Superscripts and Subscripts (U+2070–U+209F)
- Enclosed variants
- Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement (1F100–1F1FF)
- Enclosed Alphanumerics (U+2460–U+24FF)
- Enclosed Ideographic Supplement (1F200–1F2FF)
- Arrows
- Arrows (U+2190–U+21FF)
- Dingbat arrows (U+2794–U+27BF)
- Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows (U+2B00–U+2BFF)
- Supplemental Arrows-A (U+27F0–U+27FF)
- Supplemental Arrows-B (U+2900–U+297F)
- Supplemental Arrows-C (U+1F800-U+1F8FF)
- Mathematical
- Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols (U+1D400–U+1D7FF)
- Mathematical Operators (U+2200–U+22FF)
- Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A (U+27C0–U+27EF)
- Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B (U+2980–U+29FF)
- Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A (U+1FA70–1FAFF)
- Supplemental Mathematical Operators (U+2A00–U+2AFF)
- Technical
- Control Pictures (U+2400–U+243F)
- Miscellaneous Technical (U+2300–U+23FF)
- Optical Character Recognition (U+2440–U+245F)
- Musical
- Ancient Greek Musical Notation (U+1D200–U+1D24F)
- Byzantine Musical Symbols (U+1D000–U+1D0FF)
- Musical Symbols (U+1D100–U+1D1FF)
- Games
- Chess Symbols (U+1FA00–1FA6F)
- Domino Tiles (U+1F030–U+1F09F)
- Mahjong Tiles (U+1F000–U+1F02F)
- Playing Cards (U+1F0A0–U+1F0FF)
- Emoji and emoticons
- Dingbats (U+2700–U+27BF)
- Emoticons (U+1F600–U+1F64F)
- Miscellaneous Symbols (U+2600–U+26FF)
- Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs (U+1F300–U+1F5FF)
- Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs (U+1F900–1F9FF)
- Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A
- Transport and Map Symbols (U+1F680..U+1F6FF)
- Additional emoji can be found in the following Unicode blocks: Arrows, Basic Latin, CJK Symbols and Punctuation, Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement, Enclosed Alphanumerics, Enclosed CJK Letters and Months, Enclosed Ideographic Supplement, General Punctuation, Geometric Shapes, Geometric Shapes Extended, Latin-1 Supplement, Letterlike Symbols, Mahjong Tiles, Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows, Miscellaneous Technical, Playing Cards, and Supplemental Arrows-B.
- Miscellaneous
- Alchemical Symbols (1F700–1F77F)
- Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols (1EE00–1EEFF)
- Block Elements (U+2580–U+259F)
- Box Drawing (U+2500–U+257F)
- CJK Compatibility (U+3300–33FF)
- Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols (U+20D0–U+20FF)
- Common Indic Number Forms (U+A830–A83F)
- Counting Rod Numerals (U+1D360–1D37F)
- Enclosed CJK Letters and Months (U+3200–32FF)
- Geometric Shapes (U+25A0–U+25FF)
- Geometric Shapes Extended (U+1F780-U+1F7FF)
- Indic Siyaq Numbers (U+1EC70–1ECBF)
- Mayan Numerals (U+1D2E0–1D2FF)
- Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows (U+2B00–U+2BFF)
- Ornamental Dingbats (U+1F650-U+1F67F)
- Ottoman Siyaq Numbers (U+1ED00–1ED4F)
- Religious and political symbols (various blocks)
- Rumi Numeral Symbols (U+10E60–10E7F)
- Supplemental Punctuation (U+2E00–2E7F)
- Tai Xuan Jing Symbols (U+1D300–1D35F)
- Yijing Hexagram Symbols (U+4DC0–4DFF)